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Who We Serve

The Rising Family

These are people who have full lives, personally and professionally. They are pursuing excellence in their respective careers, while working to maintain a balanced family life. Though not always, they typically have kids, could own multiple real estate properties, like to go on vacations, and may be charitably inclined/involved in their communities. Because they lead full lives and have many responsibilities, they often feel as though they don't have the time required to do a full financial audit or get quiet enough to truly clarify their vision. They are doing the right things now to arrive well-positioned for their future and care about legacy and protecting the people who depend on them.

They often think like this:

• I am doing all the right things, but how do I know if I am really on track for my future?
• How can I set my kids up for success?
• Am I being efficient with how I save?
• Is my family set up properly if something unexpected were to happen to me?
• Where is the next best place to save my money?
• What should I do with my company stock?
• I am anticipating a major liquidity event. What should I do when that happens and be thinking about now?

The Free Birds

These people are well-established and have worked hard to be successful in their respective industries. They are considering their options for the next exciting chapter, the transition into Freedom Date. They are approaching the phase of life where their hard work has paid off and they are considering their options. They have more time freedom with kids in high school or out of the nest, career flexibility, and are seeing their dreams becoming a reality. They have done well for themselves, but have never had someone clearly define their financial capacity with certainty. We help them evaluate, with unequivocal clarity, what their options are, so they can make informed data-driven decisions for their future. Most importantly, we help them craft their legacy, financially and beyond.

They often think like this:

• How long should I keep doing what I am doing? When could I make a transition to spend my time how I want?
• What should I do after I sell or transition my business?
• Could I build my forever dream home?
• What dream vacations can I take my family on?
• How do I take care of my aging parents?
• How do I set my spouse and kids up so that they are free of burdens?
• How to I make what I have last forever?
• How do I pass down what I want, how I want, when I want?